Get clothes that make you feel comfortable and look good when wearing them
Get a light, flowing maternity dress with natural colors.
Who said you cannot wear heels? Try these not-so-high wedges and see the difference worn with your dress or you can wear it down with a sun hat and sandals.

Get a maxi-dress with a high waist, they are comfortable and allow room for your baby them!
Tights worn with long shirts that hang just under your bum make a great combination!
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consider what to believe about pregnancy
What worked for your mom and your sister will not necessarily work for you. Everyone will certainly have something to say, some advice to give but not all are the same. Someone might say you look fat and another might say they love your bum. It can be confusing, the best way is to weigh out what actually works for you and only you, what makes sense to you is what will work for you. Often people will say trust your instincts, but to do so you need to trust yourself.
confidence is knowing yourself and trusting yourself
While you need to be able to trust yourself to trust your instincts, you also need confidence to trust yourself. You need to know yourself and what makes you feel safe and happy. Stay away from people who bring your mood down and make you feel bad about yourself.
strive to be ‘good enough rather than perfect’
Don't get too caught up with trying to be the best mom, be you and you will never get it all wrong. Stuff the rules! Do not worry about minimizing your weight gain and eating the right food or else you will miss out and probably never enjoy any moment of your pregnancy and motherhood.
join a group of expectant moms
quit trying to compete!
During pregnancy, competing will only leave you feeling smug, how do you compete with someone with a flat waistline when yours is filled with a baby bump? Your hormones will certainly worsen your smug feeling always try to look as good as you can to feel good about yourself.
focus on why rather than what, see the bigger picture of things
If you focused on the fact that your body is actually fat because you are carrying your first child and your body is being prepared to carry the weight, it will make you feel a lot better than if you focus on how fat you are! Try and be positive and replace all your negative thoughts with positive ones.Remember that every phase of your pregnancy will pass.
keep your sense of humor on board!
Laugh at your ups and downs but let your partner know how bad it would make you feel if he’s laughing at you rather than with you. You will feel miserable at times, try and not take things too seriously and play around a little, maybe with your partner or a close friend.
educate yourself
The more you know what is going on with your body, you will feel more confident. Subscribe to a blog, read magazines, read books about pregnancy. You will not only learn about your body changes, you will also know what to expect even when you are close to delivery.
be bump proud!
Be proud of your bump, some women do not have the ability to conceive and would love to have babies of their own. Pregnancy is not just what you go through as a woman, its a blessing and you need to embrace it. You will not keep your pregnancy a secret forever. Maybe hiding your baby bump is a bad idea after all as many people might have already noticed it even though you may not know this.
We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.